29.03.2019 Update

29.03.2019 Update

Hello there,

I'm Anar. Our applications, our website has been updated. I want to inform you about our innovations.

• The design of the applications has been changed.
• Multiple language options added to applications
• Our website has been completely renewed
• Fixed optimization problems in applications
• Updated applications logos

The design of our applications has been completely changed. You will love our new look. You will feel special. With the successful operation of our technical team, optimization problems in applications have been fixed.

Upon request from you, we have added multiple languages ​​to all our applications. Now everyone can use the application in their own language. This option may be a bit problematic at the moment. We will improve ourselves thanks to you.

Our website has been completely renewed. Pages about the meaning of shared predictions, how the predictions were prepared, were brought to a more professional position with visual attachments.

The application's late-opening problem, optimization issues have been successfully fixed. You will now have easier access to the application.

Very soon, we will do a lot more innovations.

We are a large and magical family. We will constantly improve ourselves for you. We will offer you the best experience. Thank you all for being with us.